Moving your family from one continent to another can be a BiT tRiCkY enough – 6000 miles from home, no decent tea, no friends (stop laughing at the back!), and a new family-in-law, and strange strange food. Oh, and no running club chums! I was in dire straits (hell no, not the band!). It was by chance I heard about the club, but swiftly joined the FB group, and made my way to first practice back in….January(?!). I didn’t believe anything could replace my dear old Running Club, but it did – massively so. When I joined, I hadn’t run in almost a year due to a succession of nasty injuries and low confidence – but through the varied training, and nurturing atmosphere this club exhudes, AND words of encouragement of Coach Keith, I slowly began to make it out the door week-by-week and build myself back to the old me. I’m gutted the Summer has come already, as progress was good, but look forward to September with more hope than ever that I can make it here, and be happy and well.
Fitness? check. Friends? Check. Fun? Of course – and if you’re a un-believer, you must be British! 🙂
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